Bank BRI Job Fair Malang - PPS, PPS Auditor, PPS IT, Resident Auditor, PBM, PBO, ASM

Bank BRI Job Fair Malang - PPS, PPS Auditor, PPS IT, Resident Auditor, PBM, PBO, ASM PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - BRI...

Bank BRI Job Fair Malang - PPS, PPS Auditor, PPS IT, Resident Auditor, PBM, PBO, ASM

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - BRI is one of the famoust Indonesian state owned bank company. The Company focused on banking services in Micro, Small to Medium size Enterprises (MSME/UMKM). The Bank founded in 1895 and became one of the oldest bank in Indonesia. The Company based in Jakarta and operated in 7,004 offices network all over Indonesia and overseas, served 33 million accounts either depositors or borrowers. With supported by high commitment from all of BRI employees, BRI succesfully booked 2010 net profit of Rp11.47 trillion, increasing 56.98% compared to that of 2009. BRI thrid party funds in 2010 was Rp333,65 trillion, increasing 30,37% from the previous years

In line with its vision, to become a leading commercial bank that always prioritizes customer satisfaction, currently PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk provides the opportunity for potential candidates to join as:

Max Age
PPS Umum
S1 / S2 Economics, Law, Engineering, Agriculture Technology, Psychology, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Forestry, Fisipol (only for International Relations, Communication, Fiscal Administration, Business Administration and State Administration), MIPA (only for Mathematics, Statistics)
S1 : 27 years old
S2 : 30 years old
PPS Auditor
S1 / S2 Economics, Law, Engineering, Agriculture, Fisipol (only for Fiscal Administration, Business Administration and State Administration), MIPA (only for Mathematics, Statistic)
S1 : 27 years old
S2 : 30 years old
S1 / S2 Computer Science, Informatics Engineering
S1 : 27 years old
S2 : 30 years old
Resident Auditor
S1 / S2 Economics, Law, Engineering, FISIP (Trade Administration), Agriculture and Husbandry
35 years old
Priority Banking Manager (PBM) & Priority Banking Officer (PBO)
S1 All Majors
Area Sales Manager (ASM)
S1 All Majors
35 years old

For further detail information, please refer official source from BRI on link below. For those who are interested, please register yourselft at BRI booth on BRI Jobfair that will be held in Recruitmen on Campus by at Brawijaya University, on 22 November 2011 - Kampus Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.


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