Recruitment Customer Service Officer (CSO) Call Center 123 PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jakarta & Tangerang

Recruitment Customer Service Officer (CSO) Call Center 123 PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jakarta & Tangerang PT PLN (Persero)  is...

Recruitment Customer Service Officer (CSO) Call Center 123 PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jakarta & Tangerang

Call Center 123 PLN
PT PLN (Persero) is an Indonesian government-owned corporation which has a monopoly on electricity distribution in Indonesia. PT PLN (Persero) is the largest electricity service provider in Indonesia. With a vision to "To be an ever-growing, excellent and credible World Class Company supported by competent human resources". PT PLN (Persero) is committed to electricity all entire archipelago. PLN currently employs 47,532 staff across the country with 15.6% of them having graduated and post graduated. In the first half of 2011, PT PLN generated 88.2 terawatt-hours (TWh). They are generating by 24 percent oil-based fuel with planned to reduce at 3 percent by 2013 and at 1.73 percent by 2014.

PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jakarta & Tangerang looking for professionals human resources which will work under the autorized agency as :

Customer Service Officer (CSO) Call Center 123 PT PLN (Persero) 
Distribusi Jakarta & Tangerang

  • Male/Female with max age 27 years old
  • Single, not married
  • Min D3 from all majors with GPA Min 2.75
  • Good communication skill and customer service oriented
  • Good looking
  • Willing to work with shift system
  • Fluent in English
Able to handle complaints from customers over the phone with a certain service level

Send your complete application to address below. Write position code your top left envelope or email subject
.PT Graha Bara Lestari
.Jl Asem Baris Raya No 12 Kav O Kebon Baru Jakarta 12830


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