Lowongan PT Pertamina EP - Recruitment BPA Diploma Program (D3) October 2011
PT Pertamina EP - Recruitment BPA Diploma Program (D3) October 2011 PT Pertamina EP (PEP) is engaged in managing the upstream oi...
Pertamina EP Working Areas of 140.000 km2 were once largely PT Pertamina (Persero)'s Oil and Gas Mining Authority Zone. The working areas are managed through own operation and partnership cooperation, comprise 3 contracts of Joint Operating Body Enhanced Oil Recovery (JOB-EOR) and 33 contracts of Technical Assistant Contract (TAC). Thus geographically, Pertamina EP operates in nearly all territory of Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke. Pertamina EP Working Areas consist of three regions namely Sumatra, Java and Eastern Indonesia Regions. All JOB EOR and TAC operations are managed from Headquarter while own operations are managed by each region respectively. The opration of those regions comprise 12 Field Areas, namely Rantau, Pangkalan Susu, Lirik, Jambi, Prabumulih and Pendopo in Sumatra, Subang, Jatibarang and Cepu in Java as well as Sangatta, Bunyu and Papua in Eastern Indonesia. Beside the management of working areas as stated earlier, other business pattern is management through projects, such as gas development project of Pagar Dewa in South Sumatra, Gundih in Central Java and Matindok in Sulawesi.
- GPA minimum 2.75
- TOEFL score 425
- Maximum age 24 years old (up to the birth year 1987)
- Willing to be placed anywhere in the area of operations of PT. Pertamina (Persero)
- Preferred male
- D3 Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Statistics and Civil Engineering
- Photocopies of the last diploma
- Photocopies of transcripts
- Copy of ID card
- Copy of Family Card
- Copy of TOEFL score