PT Jasa Raharja - Seleksi Calon Pegawai PT Jasa Raharja Tahun 2011
PT Jasa Raharja - Seleksi Calon Pegawai PT Jasa Raharja Tahun 2011 PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) is an Indonesian state owned insuranc...
In 1970, the government promoted Jasa Raharja's status from a state company to a public company. Later in 1980, based on Government Mandate No.39 of the year 1980, Jasa Raharja's status was again change to a partnership company with the name of PT Asuransi Kerugian Jasa Raharja. In 1978, Jasa Raharja was responsible for issuing guarantee in form of surety bonds. This responsibility ended in 1994 along with the issue of Act No.2 of the year 1992 regarding insurance companies, which prohibit any insurance company that has carried out social insurance programs to conduct any other form of insurance. Based on this regulation, starting from 1st of January 1994, Jasa Raharja relinquished its non-obligatory business and surety bond to focus on social insurance programs.
- S1/D3 minimum education of all faculties / departments accredited.
- Derived from the PTN / PTS qualified either.
- Maximum age:
- For S1 graduates maximum age 28 years old (not 29 th birthday on 31 Dec 2011)
- For D3 graduates maximum age 26 years old (not to repeat the year to 27 on 31 Dec 2011)
- Not Married (evidenced by the ID Card and Not Married Statement at the time of recruitment and selection process, signed on stamp)
- Not Having a Sibling who worked at PT. Jasa Raharja (evidenced by Statement, signed on Stamp)
- Willing to be placed in all parts of Indonesia (expressed in the Statement, signed on the stamp).
- Implementation of the tests conducted in Jakarta and at his own expense.