PT Bank Bukopin Tbk - Staf Pengembangan Produk (Dana, Derivatif, Kredit)

PT Bank Bukopin Tbk - Staf Pengembangan Produk (Dana, Derivatif, Kredit) PT Bank Bukopin Tbk  is an Indonesia-based financial ins...

PT Bank Bukopin Tbk - Staf Pengembangan Produk (Dana, Derivatif, Kredit)
Bank Bukopin
PT Bank Bukopin Tbk is an Indonesia-based financial institution engaged in commercial banking activities and offers products and services, including savings, consumer loan, commercial loan, micro banking, international banking products and e-banking. Since its establishment on 10 July 1970, Bank Bukopin has been focusing on UMKMK (Micro, Small, Medium and Cooperative Business) segment, and keeps developing it self to enter the medium bank category in Indonesia from assets Presspective. In line with the opportunity and capacity improvement in serving wider scope of people's needs, Bank Bukopin has expanded its business segment into commercial and consumer segments.

Due to rapid expansion and growth, PT Bank Bukopin, Tbk as the one of established national bank is currently looking for qualified and dedicated candidate who seek a challenging career to join our company, for the following position :


  • S1 from all majors
  • Having knowledge of banking products
  • Having the ability to perform analysis of business potential and market analysis and analysis of market needs
  • Have the interpersonal skills
  • Experienced in business banking / min. 1 year

  • S1 from all Majors
  • WAPER, AAJI and wealth management certified
  • Having knowledge of banking products
  • Having knowledge of mutual fund products, unit linked, ori and other investment products
  • Having the ability to analyze market potential and market needs analysis memilii
  • Have the interpersonal skills
  • Experienced in business banking / insurance / securities min. 1 year

  • S1 from all majors
  • Have knowledge of banking products
  • Having the ability and knowledge of credit analysis
  • Having the ability to perform analysis of business potential and market analysis and analysis of market needs
  • Have the interpersonal skills
  • Experienced in the business of banking / multifinance min. 1 year
Should you interested, please apply at following link. All applicants will be treated confidential and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.


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