Lowongan Trans 7 - Set Design, Set Property, Technical Support, Video Editor, Camera Person, Audioman, Multimedia

Trans 7 - Set Design, Set Property, Technical Support, Video Editor, Camera Person, Audioman, Multimedia TRANS7  (formerly known as...

Trans 7 - Set Design, Set Property, Technical Support, Video Editor, Camera Person, Audioman, Multimedia

TRANS7 (formerly known as TV7) is an Indonesian commercial television station based in Central Jakarta. TRANS7 with a commitment to present the form of information and entertainment shows, graced the screen in the living room audience Indonesia. Starting from the strategic cooperation between the Para Group and the Kelompok Kompas Gramedia (KKG) on August 4, 2006, TRANS7 born as a private station that presents the impressions that promotes intelligence, acuity, full of warmth and personality of active entertainment.

TRANS7 committed to presenting the best for the audience, by presenting the program information such as the present editor every morning, noon, afternoon, and nights are nicely packaged and dynamic, updated and informative. TRANS7 also provides news and documentary programs such as Selamat Pagi, TKP, Asal Usul, and Jejak Petualang who provide unique insights and different for the viewers.

Trans 7, a part of Trans Corp Company is currently seeking competent candidates for the following positions:

1Set Design (TR7-SD)Min. S1Architecture / Design
2Set Property (TR7-SP)Min. D3All Major
3Technical Support (TR7-TS)Min. S1Electrical
4Video Editor (TR7-VE)Min. D3All Major
5Camera Person (TR7-CAMPERS)Min. D3All Major
6Audioman (TR7-AUDIO)Min. D3All Major
7Logistic & Inventory (TR7-LOG)Min. D3All Major
8Multimedia (TR7-MM)Min. D3Information Technology
For further detail requirements each position, please read official info on link below. Send your complete application to email address below. Write position code on email subject. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Closing date 2 October 2011.


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