Lowongan PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung (Persero) - Secretary, Tax Staff, Accounting Staff

PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung (Persero) - Secretary, Tax Staff, Accounting Staff PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogad...

PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung (Persero) - Secretary, Tax Staff, Accounting Staff

PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung (Persero)
PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung (Persero) or PT. JIEP is a limited liability company owned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of DKI Jakarta with a portion of their respective shareholding of 50%. PT. JIEP located in Pulogadung East Jakarta, was established on June 26, 1973 by deed of Notary nomor127 by Abdul Latif in Jakarta.

PT. JIEP is the first Industrial Area management company in Indonesia, which was originally tasked to provide industrial plot land or Tanah Kapling Industri (TKI) and all facilities are well-organized industry for investors who will invest in the field of manufacturing. In further developments and in accordance with market demand, PT. JIEP implement diversification as well as expanding business with a gradual build rental buildings such as the Ready Mix Factory Building or Bangunan Pabrik Siap Pakai (BPSP) 1 - 4 floors, Warehousing (closed and open), Transit Warehouse, Small Business Industries Facilities or Sarana Usaha Industri Kecil (SUIK), as well as other supporting buildings. This is done in an effort to better ensure the survival of companies in the future.

PT JIEP provide opportunities for career and professional to work with us as :


Job Description:
Carry out activities and tasks in all its aspects include: administrative correspondence, expedition, filing, protocol, meetings and official activities director, as well as activities or other work-related.

  • Honesty, integrity, and have the capability / expertise is multi-tasking,
  • Female, D3 Secretary, with GPA min. 3.00 (scale 4),
  • Age max. 30 years (unmarried preferred),
  • Master of computer application programs, both public (Microsoft Office) and other programs,
  • Actively master in English both written and oral, and
  • Having relevant work experience min. 1 year.
STAF PAJAK (kode : S.Pj )

Job Description:
Carry out the duties and tasks in all relevant aspects of tax administration (agency and individual), the tax calculation, tax payment, and activities or other work-related.

  • Honesty, integrity, and have the capability / expertise is multi-tasking,
  • S.1 Taxation, with GPA min. 3.00 (scale 4),
  • Age max. 30 years (unmarried preferred),
  • Mastering technical tax calculations (body or individual) and / or make deposits as well as regular tax collection,
  • Master of computer application programs, both public (Microsoft Office) and computer accounting / taxation,
  • Actively master in English both written and oral (preferably), and
  • Having relevant work experience min. 1 year.

Job Description:
Carry out activities and tasks in all its aspects including: treasury, billing and administration of corporate receivables, and the preparation of financial statements, as well as activities or other work-related.

  • Honesty, integrity, and have the capability / expertise is multi-tasking,
  • S.1 Accounting, with GPA min. 3.00 (scale 4),
  • Age max. 30 years (unmarried preferred),
  • Mastering the calculation of technical accounting / finance and / or financial reporting,
  • Master of computer application programs, both public (Microsoft Office) and computer accounting,
  • Actively master in English both written and oral (preferably), and
  • Having relevant work experience min. 1 year.
Send your complete application to address or email below. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Closing date 9 October 2011.
.PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung (Persero)
.Jl. Pulokambing No.1 Kawasan Industri Pulogadung Jakarta 13920
.Telp. (021) 4600305 Fax. (021) 4600730


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