Lowongan PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika - Officer Development Program Business

PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika - Officer Development Program Business PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika (Adira Insurance)  founded in 2002 an...

PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika - Officer Development Program Business

Asuransi Adira
PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika (Adira Insurance) founded in 2002 and is managed by a group of professionals who have competence and long experience in the insurance industry and the automotive. Adira Insurance which is engaged in general insurance focus his first year in the Automobile Insurance Industry, and currently also are developing products Non Motor Vehicle insurance. Adira Insurance is always working to achieve peace of mind for their customers through unprecedented ways, like never before. Besides peace of mind, Adira Insurance spawn acquisition values and results of operations that benefit all stakeholders to ensure sustainable stakeholder value in the long term.

Now Adira Insurance is opening position for Fresh Graduates for Officer Development Program - Business position as a pillar of the company leader in a future

Officer Development Program - Business (ODP)
(All Over Indonesia)

ODP Adira Insurance is a comprehensive development program for fresh graduates or min 1 years experience to provide sufficient knowledge and skills necessary to work effectively & efficiently. Upon completion of this program participants will live and function in the Directorate Business activity plays a role in fostering good relations, establish cooperation and conduct sales activities in accordance with the agreement and applicable provisions to meet the targets set.

  • Fresh Graduate of all majors / maximum of one year work experience
  • Minimum D3 with Min GPA 3.0
  • Maximum age 25 years old
  • Willing to be placed at all Adira branches in Indonesia
  • Have good communication skills
Send your application letter and CV, copy of Diploma and KTP, latest photos (color, 4x6) to address below. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
.Recruitment Dept.
.Graha Adira Lt.8 Jl. Menteng Raya No.21 Jakarta Pusat 10340


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