Job PT Schneider Indonesia - Management Trainee (MT-2011)

PT Schneider Indonesia - Management Trainee (MT-2011) Schneider Electric  is a French global company. It was founded in 1836 by two...

PT Schneider Indonesia - Management Trainee (MT-2011)

Schneider Electric is a French global company. It was founded in 1836 by two brothers, Eugène and Adolphe Schneider. Today, the company has grown into a world leader in active energy management solutions through further acquisitions: Veris Industries, an electronic sensor manufacturer, in 1999; Power Measurement and ELAU in 2005; MGE UPS Systems, Clipsal, TAC, Nulec, Andover Controls, GET plc and Citect in 2006; American Power Conversion and Pelco, a video and security system manufacturer, in 2007; Gutor Electronic LLC in 2008; and the distribution branch of AREVA T&D in 2010.

Schneider Electric, the world leader in electricity and automation management. It is great place for top talents, ready to cross all frontiers. Make the strategic move, join our 112.000 employees and catch the chance to follow your best career path in 106 countries.  Schneider Electric's active acquisition strategy has brought more than 100 brands to its portfolio. While some of these brands have disappeared, their products, services and solutions have built the foundations for Schneider Electric's energy management solution offer.

To response the business growth in Indonesia, we are now seeking experienced, self-motivated and suitably qualified persons to fill the following vacancies:

Management Trainee (MT-2011)

Will be trained and developed to meet Schneider's qualification. Might be rotated to different role/ function/ location when necessary. Good technical competencies and commercially conversant to grow the business.

  • Graduate in Bachelor degree (S1) Industrial Engineering
  • Male/Female, with maximum age 24 years old.
  • Minimum GPA 3.00
  • High motivated to grow with World Class team
  • Shows good potential in Leadership
  • Proficient in English, verbal and written.
  • Computer literate (Windows applications).
  • To sign and respect the 3 years bond agreement.
Send your CV to Human Resources Division PT Schneider Indonesia at email address below (without JPG or GIF files, attachment is not more than 500KB). Please put the job title and code at email subject.


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