Job in Batavia Air - Purser / Assistan Purser, Ex Flight Attendant, Calon Pramugara / Pramugari Penerbangan Haji

Batavia Air - Purser / Assistan Purser, Ex Flight Attendant, Calon Pramugara / Pramugari Penerbangan Haji Batavia Air  has been ope...

Batavia Air - Purser / Assistan Purser, Ex Flight Attendant, Calon Pramugara / Pramugari Penerbangan Haji

Batavia Air
Batavia Air has been operating its business in Indonesia for more than 20 years. Departing from a travel bureau, it increasingly improved its business to provide an air charter flight service. Batavia Air founded in 2001. In 2002, Batavia Air earned an Air Operating Certificate (AOC) and officially deserved for operating its fleet in Indonesia. With experiences in a travel bureau and airline industry, backed up by accommodated fleet and qualified human resources, they make us to be the first choice and trusted carrier to fly. After all we believe that we can survive and continuously grow to take part in the rapid airlines competition.

Careers with Batavia Air : Batavia Air continues to attract and recruit talented individuals from leading universities as well as industries. To meet our goals, we require intelligent, motivated, and client orientated people with a high level of English proficiency.

At Batavia Air, you will have many opportunities to develop and enhance your skills and try challenges to reach your full potential. You will be trained in various disciplines and areas of service and will be given hands-on experience responding to the company's needs. Batavia Air will enable you to climb higher on your career ladder to reach your professional goals. Batavia Air invites the best person to become a flight attendant. It is the opportunity for you to visit some areas throughout the archipelago and some cities abroad. We provide you with attractive income.

A. Purser / Assistan Purser (PURS)

  • Male/female
  • Max age 58 years old
B. Ex Flight Attendant (EX PRI/PRA)

  • Male/female
  • Max age 50 years old
C. Calon Pramugara / Pramugari Penerbangan Haji

  • Male/Female
  • Age 20 - 27 years old
  • Height min, male : 165 cm, female : 158 cm
  • Not married
General Requirements:
  • Complete application (cover letter & CV)Minimum high school graduate
  • 1 - 4R sized whole body photograph and 1 - 4x6 photograph
  • Parents' / husband' approval letter, signed on a top of a Rp 6000,- duty stamp
  • Copy of ID Card / SIM and Passport
  • Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK)
  • Copy of License (A&B)
  • Health certificate from a doctor
  • Proportional weight
Send complete application to address below. Write position code on top left your envelope. We invite you to look into Batavia Air current job openings and consider joining an organization committed to its people and their personal and professional success. For further information you can contact this number: Phone: 021 - 3864308 eks. 411 or e-mail
.PO BOX 3938 Jakarta 10039


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