Citilink Garuda Indonesia - Cabin Crew Recruitment 2011

Citilink Garuda Indonesia - Cabin Crew Recruitment 2011 Citilink Garuda Indonesia (Citilink)  is low cost budget airline establis...

Citilink Garuda Indonesia - Cabin Crew Recruitment 2011
Cabin Crew Citilink
Citilink Garuda Indonesia (Citilink) is low cost budget airline established in the year 2001. Citilink operates from its main hub based in Jakarta, Indonesia. As a subsidiary airline/sister company of Garuda Indonesia, Citilink provides flight shuttle services to and from the major Indonesian cities. Citilink Garuda Indonesia is expanding to A320 Fleet. At first Citilink operates five Fokker 28 which is the remnants of the fleet Garuda Indonesia. Citilink inaugurated again on August 8, 2008 by Emirsyah Sattar, CEO of Garuda Indonesia. Issued investment reached U.S. $ 10 million, with details of 60% for fuel, 17% for aircraft maintenance and the remainder for miscellaneous expenses. Under new management, Citilink determine Surabaya as its center. Citilink expected to become a profitable subsidiary in addition to GMF and Aerowisata which is a subsidiary of Garuda Indonesia.

Now, Citilink seeking qualified Cabin Crew Recruitment 2011

  • Female, unmarried and good looking
  • Aged 18-23 years old
  • Height 160-170 cm, with the balanced weight .
  • Min high school education / equivalent
  • Able-bodied, not wearing glasses / contact lenses, do not use braces
If you are an energetic young woman, friendly and attractive, then you have the chance to join as a Citilink Cabin crew. Now you can nominate yourself as a flight attendant Citilink easily. Simply upload your photos on FB Citilink accompanied your personal data.
Citilink Garuda Indonesia - Cabin Crew Recruitment 2011


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