Lowongan KSO Sucofindo-Surveyor Indonesia (KSO SCISI) - Programmer, EDP ​​/ Reporting

KSO Sucofindo-Surveyor Indonesia (KSO SCISI) - Programmer, EDP ​​/ Reporting KSO Sucofindo-Surveyor Indonesia (KSO SCISI)  is a Joint...

KSO Sucofindo-Surveyor Indonesia (KSO SCISI) - Programmer, EDP ​​/ Reporting

KSO Sucofindo-Surveyor Indonesia (KSO SCISI) is a Joint Operation among two State owned companies, PT Sucofindo and PT Surveyor Indonesia have firmed by certain agreement entitled Perjanjian Kerjasama Operasi and established as of November 7, 2002, notarial certificate Surjadi, SH, Jakarta.  KSO SCISI as an Independent Surveyor located in Jakarta has more than 30 affilate offices. KSO SCISI has experiences as a surveyor to carry on Import Verification program.

The first assignment given by the Government to the KSO SCISI was the import verification of Besi Baja and Baja Canai Lantaian in 2002. In April 2003, KSO SCISI had another assignment in import verification of Textile and textile product. In August 2003 KSO SCISI had another assignment in of import verification of Nitro Cellulose and Bis Bukan Baru, the verification of Besi Baja, Baja Canai Lantaian and Bis Bukan Baru which finished at the end of 2004.

Due to the professional results in impor verification, and give added value both Government and business communities, until now KSO SCISI still exist as a Independent Surveyor in impor verification for commodities such as : textile and textile product (TPT), Nitro Cellulose, Rice, Salt, Precursor, Sugar, Optical Disc, Ceramics, and Colour Photocopier, Colour Multipurpose Machine, Colour Printer, Non-B3 Waste, and Glass Sheet.

KSO Sucofindo-Surveyor Indonesia (KSO SCISI) urgently seeking qualified and energetic candidates, to fill the position as :


  • Male with maximum age 35 years old
  • Education D4/S1 Informatics Engineering
  • Mastering in Windows Server 2000/2008
  • Mastering in Delphi programming and Crystal Report
  • Understand the concept and be able to use the SQL Server Database
  • Mastering in Hardware Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Mastering in Software Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Mastering in the Internet Management & Security
  • Mstering in the concept of local networks and the Internet (LAN / WAN) and Troubleshooting
  • Preferably have experience as an IT Programmer min 3 years
  • Able to work under pressure
  • Honest, responsible and able to work together as a team
  • English at least passive
Web Programmer

  • Male with maximum age 35 years old
  • Min D4/S1 major in Informatics Engineering
  • Mastering Sin erver Side Programming: PHP, web programming
  • Understand Apache, SQL, ADODB
  • Understand the SQLServer database
  • Has make the system / application before.
  • Preferably have experience as an IT Programmer PHP min 3 years
  • Able to configure the Web Server, Mail Server & SMS Server (value added)
  • Able to manage and work with the team and perform system analysis
  • Have high motivation, proactive
  • Honest, responsible and able to work in a team
  • A good Memilikikepribadian
  • English at least passive
EDP ​​/ Reporting

  • Male / Female maximum 28 years old
  • Minimal. D3 Informatic Engineering / Computers
  • Mastering in Windows, Microsoft Office, Open Office
  • Understanding in VB, Crystal Report
  • Understand in the concept and be able to use the SQL Server Database
  • Mastering in query and SQL Server database structure
  • Able to work under pressure
  • Experience min. 1 year in same field
  • Understanding Installation & network systems
Should you find yourself interest and fulfill requirement above, please send your application letter to following address. All applications will be treated confidentially. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Closing date 22 September 2011.
.KSO Sucofindo - Surveyor Indonesia
.Menara Bidakara 2 Lt.5 Jl.Jend.Gatot Subroto Kav.71-73 Pancoran Jakarta Selatan 12870
.Telp : 83793222  Fax  : 83793226

See another job at : Lowongan Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia


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