Jobs Bank BRI Yogyakarta

Bank BRI Yogyakarta - Frontliner (Customer Service & Teller) PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk   (Bank BRI)  is an ...

Bank BRI Yogyakarta - Frontliner (Customer Service & Teller)
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Bank BRI) is an Indonesia-based financial institution. It is engaged in banking activities and its products and services include savings, loans, consumer products and investment banking. As a state-owned bank (BUMN), BRI played a key role in realizing the government's vision in the development of people's economy. In 1960, the government change BRI's name into Bank Koperasi dan Nelayan (BKTN). Based on Law No.21 of 1968, the government renamed the bank BRI and it became a public bank. Later, based on Banking Law No.7 of 1992, BRI had its name and legal status of its entity changed to PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero). With a focus on micro, small and medium businesses, BRI has inspired a lot of other organizations to empower the businesses in these sectors as they are the backbone of the Indonesian economy.

BRI's vision is to become a leading commercial bank that always prioritizes customer satisfaction. BRI missions is to achieve the vision, BRI has decided on three missions that have to be undertaken, namely: BRI provides the best banking operation by prioritizing services for Micro, Small, and Medium Businesses in order to support people's economy. BRIoffers sevices to customers through a network that are spread all over Indonesia and supported by professional human resources who implement the Good Corporate Governance practices. BRI creates values and produce optimal benefits to all stakeholders. As a leading bank in Indonesia today, Bank BRI provide career opportunities for potential candidates to join in :

Customer Service & Teller

General Requirements:
  • Male/Female, single (unmarried) with max age 25 years old
  • Min Diploma degree (D3) from all major with min GPA 2.75
  • Good looking and friendly
Placements : Yogyakarta Area (Yogyakarta, Sleman, Bantul, Kulon Progo, Gunung Kidul)

Send your complette application to following address. All applicants will be treated confidential and only shortolisted candidates will be notified. Closing date 30 September 2011.
.PT. Sumberdaya Dian Mandiri
.Jl. Wonosari KM. 6 Banguntapan Bantul Yogyakarta
.More Info

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