Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi CPNS Kemendag 2010

COMMITTEE recruitment of Civil Servants KEMENTERIAN PERDAGANGAN TAHUN 2010 ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 04/SJ-DAG/REK-CPNS/9/2010 Based on the resul...

COMMITTEE recruitment of Civil Servants
TAHUN 2010

Number: 04/SJ-DAG/REK-CPNS/9/2010

Based on the results of administrative selection CPNS Applicants Ministry of Commerce Year in 2010, here is the attached list of numbers of participants who passed the written examination administrative selection phase I. For the written exam candidates who number in the list of participants is attached, is expected to take the exam candidate alerts on:

* Day Saturday, October 2, 2010,
* 08.00 - 15.00 WIB
* The Ministry of Commerce Building, - JL. M.I. Ridwan Rais No.5, Jakarta Pusat.

Thus the announcement was delivered to known and obeyed.

Download List of Participants Escaped CPNS Kemendag Year 2010:
DOWNLOAD Announcement of Selection Results CPNS Kemendag


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