Lowongan Kerja Sales in PT. Hafele Indotama

Retail Sales Jobs - PT. Hafele Indotama We are a German company that operates worldwide distributed hardware architecture and furniture equi...

Retail Sales Jobs - PT. Hafele Indotama
We are a German company that operates worldwide distributed hardware architecture and furniture equipment. We are looking for High Calibre personnel to join and fill the following positions:

1. Sales Senior Project (SP)
2. Retail Sales (SR)
3. Area Sales Representative Semarang (SRS)

Male / Female max 40 years old (SP, SR, SRS)
Bachelor in Major (SP) Good command of English (SP)
3 years work experience in the industry Building Materials (SP)
1 year working experience in Retail Building Materials Business Related (SR)
1 Year experience in Sales (SRS)
Have a Transport (SP, SR, SRS)
Able to operate computer (SP SR, SRS)
Will be located in Jakarta (SR, SP)
Will be located in Semarang (SRS)
Good command of Mandarin is a plus (SR)

Please send your resume application to:

PT. Hafele Indotama
BSD Techno Park Block A, 3 No, Serpong - Tangerang 15 314
or: hrd@hafele.co.id

No later than: -


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